宋琪 印保刚 杨柳
(西安建筑科技大学, 西安 710055)
[摘 要] 被动式建筑可以最大限度地通过建筑自身的空间形式、围护结构、建筑材料与构造的设计来实现建筑节能。现阶段我国发展被动式建筑的障碍因素主要有基础研究工作不足、被动式设计没有足够被重视、投资回报期不明确、政府经济激励政策缺失等;在分析的基础上,提出加大被动式建筑的基础研究工作、重视被动式设计工作、建立科学的建筑评价体系、制定有效的经济激励政策等对策建议。
[关键词] 被动式建筑;盈亏平衡分析;三重底线理论;经济激励政策
Abstract: Passive building is one of fundamental ways to reduce the current energy through special design criteria about architectural form, building envelops, construction materials and structure. This paper analyzes obstacles passive house faces at present: the passive design deficiencies of architect, lack of basic research, higher costs in initial construction, absence of government incentive policies. On this basis, it proposes following countermeasures: changing conceptions of designers, increasing basic research of passive house, forming a scientific evaluation system and methods of passive house, establishing and improving economic stimulus policy etc.
Key words: passive building; break-even analysis; triple bottom line theory; economic incentives policy
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