赵兴祥 陈兴海 周哲俊
(1.上海师范大学建筑工程学院, 上海 200234; 2.上海市城投置地有限公司, 上海 201418)
[摘 要] 从社会公众参与建设、工程项目内外部协商、项目后社会评价等方面探讨了保障性住房项目建设的社会性管理内容和方法。拓宽公众参与工程管理的途径,提高社会公众的满意度;建立工程建设的协商机制,沟通工程相关各方的意见,解决工程建设中的复杂问题;通过对保障性大型居住社区建设影响因素的综合分析,构建了保障性住宅项目的社会评价指标体系。同时,提出了一些对保障性住房建设具有参考价值的建议。
[关键词] 工程项目管理;保障性住房;社会维度
Abstract: Discussed the contents and means of the affordable housing construction management from three respects, which are public participation, negotiation mechanism and social appraisal. Expand the approach of public participation project management, improving public satisfaction degree through strengthening the relation between project and social public. Set up project management negotiation mechanism, dealing with the complex questions of project through negotiation and coordination; construct the social appraisal guide line of project, puts forward some valuable suggestions through the social appraisal analysis of large residential project.
Key words: project management; affordable housing; social dimension
[3]Zimring C.& Reizenstein J. E, A primer on post-occupancy evaluation[J]. American Institute of Architects Journal,1981,Vol. 70,No. l3.