刘倩 杨杰 沙凯逊
(山东建筑大学, 山东 济南 250014)
[摘 要] 针对建筑业长期利润水平低下的问题,以我国北方某城市的专项调研为背景,从建设单位、承包商和建设市场第三方等角度分析了影响建筑企业盈利能力的诸多因素。研究表明,不合理的产业结构是影响施工企业利润水平、最终制约我国建筑业持续发展的主要原因之一;政府在建筑业结构调整方面应该发挥主导作用。
[关键词] 建筑企业,盈利能力,产业结构,专项调研
Abstract: In view of the issue of poor profitability that China's construction industry suffered for a long time, and taking a special investigation conducted in a northern China city as background, factors that influence the profit-making capability of construction enterprises are analyzed from angles of clients, contractors and the third party in the construction market. It is concluded that the unreasonable industry structure is one of the key contradictions that have lowered the profit margin of construction enterprises and ultimately, restrained sustainable development of the construction industry, and that the government should play a leading role in the process of the construction industry's reengineering.
Key words: construction enterprises; profit-making capability; industry structure; special investigation
[3]Winch, G. (2001) Governing the project process: a conceptual framework[J]. Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 19, No.8, 799-808.


