安慧 郑传军
(三峡大学水利与环境学院, 湖北 宜昌 443002)


[摘 要] 工程项目的特点及建筑承包市场的激烈竞争使得工程投标过程充满风险,它的识别和评估就显得至关重要。针对工程投标的多风险因素和决策的复杂性,建立国内一般建筑工程投标的风险指标评价体系。在此基础上,考虑风险因素间的依存和反馈关系,运用网络分析法和模糊综合评价法构建建筑工程投标风险的评价模型。运用超级决策软件,并结合实例得到投标风险层次排序和综合风险度量值。研究表明,该投标风险评价模型更切合建筑工程投标风险的实际,可以为投标决策和风险管理提供参考。
[关键词] ANP(网络分析法);建筑工程;投标风险;模糊评价
Abstract: The process of project bidding is full of risks because of project's features and fierce competition in construction contracting market. So it's important to recognize and evaluate them in project bidding. Aiming at the multi-risk factors and complexity of decision in project bidding, established the evaluation index system of risks in tender for domestic architectural engineering. On this basis, the ANP and Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methods were used to create the evaluation model of risks in architectural project bidding, with consideration of dependence and feedback relationship among risk factors. Finally, the integrated measurement and hierarchical ranking of risks for studied case are obtained by using Super Decision Software. Therefore, this research meets the actuality of bidding risks, which can provide a reference of risk management and bidding decision.
Key words: ANP(analytic network process); architectural engineering; bidding risk; fuzzy evaluation
[2]Saaty T.L. Decision making with dependence and feedback: The Analytical Network Process[M]. 2nd ed. Pittsburgh:RWS Publications,2001:84-136.


