卢普伟 黄妙珊
(1.中交第四航务工程局有限公司, 广东 广州 510231; 2.中交四航局第二工程有限公司, 广东 广州 510300)
[摘 要] 建筑材料价格上涨是施工合同履约过程中常见的情况,造成承包商费用的增加。如何妥善处理由此产生的索赔争议,对工程的顺利实施具有重要意义。以某工程为例,探讨因材料价格上涨导致的索赔及索赔处理的方法,提出“尊重合同约定,参照国家有关价格调整的政策,结合工程实际情况,合理分担风险”的处理原则,进而形成操作性强的调整方法,在实践中得以运用,并从减少索赔争议出发,提出建议。
[关键词] 建材价格上涨;索赔;争议;调整
Abstract: Building materials prices rising which caused the rise of contractor cost often occur in the performance of construction contract. How to properly handle the claims disputes, is of great significance to the project successfully achieved. Based on an example project in Fujian province, this paper discusses the claims which due to material price increases, and the claims solution. This paper puts forward a principles manage claims that is “respect the contract, refer to the price adjustment of national policy, reasonable risk-sharing consideration to practice of project”, and form a feasible method, which applied in practice. Finally, based on reducing claims disputes, some suggestions are given.
Key words: building materials price rising; claim; dispute; negotiation


