基于Hotelling T2检验的公私工程投标报价决策因素研究
叶堃晖 熊博 李炳恒 胡鑫
(1.重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045; 2.重庆怡置北郡房地产开发有限公司, 重庆 401147)
[摘 要] 招投标自1983年试点至今已成为了建筑业稳健发展的制度保障,招标项目也从公共工程扩展到私人工程。建筑企业在面对越来越多样化的招标项目时,有必要探讨在公私工程投标上的报价决策是否存在差异。基于对总承包企业的问卷调查,运用Hotelling T2统计检验,发现公私属性对投标报价决策存在三大差异因素和六大共性因素的影响。这要求建筑企业一方面应根据招标项目的公私特征,参照差异因素有所侧重的开展投标准备;另一方面应注重在共性因素上进行差异化创新以增强竞争力。
[关键词] 公共工程;私人工程;投标决策;Hotelling T2检验;影响因素
Abstract: Since the bidding pilot policy was issued in 1983, the bidding system has supported the steady development of China's construction industry. Meanwhile, private projects have become an important component rather than sole public projects for bidding at the beginning. This research examines the 'Public-Private' factor's impact on tender pricing. Questionnaire method and Hotelling T2 test were applied. It is found that three factors critical to tender pricing change significantly with the 'Public-Private' factor, but other six factors not. On one hand, construction contractors should prepare tenders with consideration of the three different factors. On the other hand, they can gain competency by differentiating the six similar factors.
Key words: public projects; private projects; bid decision-making; Hotelling T2 test; influential factors
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