(江苏科技大学 土木工程与建筑学院, 江苏 镇江 212003)

[摘 要] 住房政策涉及各利益相关者的利益,各利益相关者的行为将最终影响住房政策效果。基于此,建立利益相关者分析框架,评价当前住房政策的社会影响。研究表明:当前住房政策缺乏利益平衡机制,各利益相关者的利益责任极不对称,导致一系列不利的社会影响。为此,应全面评估住房政策的社会影响,采取必要的社会影响缓减措施平衡各利益相者的利益。
[关键词] 住房政策;社会影响评价;利益相关者;政策措施
Abstract: Housing policies have comprehensive social impacts, which will affect the interest of stakeholders. In turn, the behavior of stakeholders affects the efficiency of a housing policy. A study framework based on stakeholder analysis is developed to assess social impact of current housing policy. The result shows that because of the shortage of interest balance mechanism interest and duty of related stakeholders is very asymmetric, thus some adverse social impacts have been caused. In order to exert the efficiency of current housing policy fully, social impact of current housing policy should be assessed comprehensively and some mitigation need be formulated to balance the interest among stakeholders.
Key words: housing policy; social impact assessment (SIA); stakeholder; policy mitigation
[2]IOCGP, Inter-organizational Committee on Guidelines and Principles for SIA(2003),Principles and Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment (2003 version).



