刘洪玉 姜沛言 吴璟
(清华大学恒隆房地产研究中心, 北京 100084)
[摘 要] 对英美等发达国家和地区的住房价格指数从编制主体、数据基础和编制方法三个方面进行对比分析。研究发现:政府机构、行业协会和咨询机构编制的指数在权威性和解释能力方面各有优势;签约价格能够兼顾“及时性”和“准确性”要求,优于报价价格和登记价格;“同质性”已经成为指数编制的主流方法。我国住房价格指数编制应立足于服务对象,选择合理的数据基础和操作性强的编制方法,满足“及时性”、“准确性”和“同质性”三个基本要求。
[关键词] 住房价格指数;编制方法;国际比较;及时性;准确性;同质性
Abstract: Comparing the Housing Price Indices (HPI) in some developed countries and regions in aspects of the subject, the data base and the construction methods, we find that: the indices constructed by governments, professional associations and consulting agencies have advantages in the authority and explanatory ability of housing price dynamics, respectively; the contract price is the better choice than the listed price and the registered price, and it could meet the requirements of “timeliness” and “accuracy”; methods with quality adjustment have become the common approaches for constructing HPI. In China, we should construct HPI in considering the basic requirements of housing price indices on “timeliness”, “accuracy” and “quality adjustment” as well as the user's needs.
Key words: housing price indices; construction method; international comparison; timeliness; accuracy; quality adjustment
[2]Thwaites G., Wood R. The measurement of house prices[J].Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin,Spring,2003.


