潘雨红 张文华 刘倩 张高岭 加孜拉
(重庆交通大学管理学院, 重庆 400074)

[摘 要] 重庆是国内率先巨量投建公租房的省市之一,其在陆续推出公租房之时却没有引来市民的积极申请。针对重庆公租房配租低效问题,借鉴其他国家和地区成功运营公租房的经验,并选取重庆市历次摇号数据,分析重庆市公租房供需情况,进而探讨导致配租低效的原因,从户型申请、空间布局、户型设计、项目选址、租金设置等方面提出相关建议。
[关键词] 重庆;公租房;配租低效
Abstract: Chongqing is one of the metropolis that build a lot of public rental housing(PRH), when the launching of PRH didn't attracted the public's active application. This paper aims to draw the successful experience of the operation of the PRH in other countries and regions, selects the data of the all “lucky draw” in Chongqing, analyses the supply and demand of PRH by using the method of statistical analysis according to the historical data, and investigates the causes of low-efficient allocation. Some suggestions for PRH are provided in terms of apartment application, space layout, apartment design, project location, rent installation etc.
Key words: Chongqing; Public Rental Housing(PRH); low-efficient allocation



