李国文 李国强
(1.常熟理工学院管理学院, 江苏 常熟 215500; 2.常熟市金龙装饰有限责任公司, 江苏 常熟 215500)
[摘 要] 目前,以石材为主的各类内墙饰面板通常采用传统焊接式钢龙骨结构安装,该结构存在钢材重复利用率低、工人劳动环境差等不足。新工艺的装配式钢龙骨具有工厂化批量生产、钢材重复利用率高、作业环境得到改善、施工更加规范等优点。通过内墙饰面板装配式钢龙骨结构与焊接式钢龙骨结构用钢量及工程费用对比分析,得出装配式钢龙骨不仅具有上述优点,而且当装饰量适中时,在工程费用方面还有所降低,故具备可推广的价值。
[关键词] 饰面板;装配式钢龙骨;工程费用;对比分析
Abstract: At present, stone veneer decoration of interior wall generally adopt traditional welded steel keel structure; there are some disadvantages in the steel structure such as low utilization rate of steel and poor labor environment. New process of fabricated steel keel has the characteristics of factory batch production, high steel recycling, big improvement of the working environment, more specification in construction, etc. Through the comparison and analysis of steel quantity and project cost between traditional welded structure and fabricated structure, we come to a conclusion that fabricated steel keel not only has the advantages, but also when moderate amounts of decoration, project cost has decreased, so it has popularization value.
Key words: decorative veneer; fabricated steel keel; project cost; comparative analysis


