纪颖波 付景轩
(北方工业大学, 北京 100144)
[摘 要] 在借鉴国内外典型绿色建筑评价标准基础上,分析我国新型建筑工业化评价标准建立的相关问题,分别从管理机构、评价体系、运营模式、国家政策方面展开,并以住宅为例,重点分析如何建立新型工业化建筑评价体系。此评价体系主要包含两级内容:一级是基本评价标准,即住宅建造过程评价标准;另一级是综合评价标准,包含了使用功能、经济效益、环境效益和社会效益评价内容。最后,对我国新型工业化建筑评价标准的建立提出相应的政策建议。
[关键词] 新型工业化建筑;绿色建筑;评价标准;评价体系
Abstract: Based on the analysis for the domestic and overseas green building evaluation standard, how to establish evaluation standard for new-type industrialized building in China was argued, respectively from four espects of the management agency, evaluation system, operation mode and national policy. Forthmore, how to establish a new type of evaluation standard for new-type industrialized house was analyzed mainly.The evaluation system contains two kind of contents, one is the basic evaluation standard which is construction process and evaluation standard for house, the other is the consolidated evaluation standard which includes the using functions economic benefits, environmental benefits and social benefits. At last, appropriate policy recommendations for stablishment of evaluation standard for new-type industrialized building in China was proposed.
Key words: new-type industrialized building; green building; evaluation standard; evaluation system
[1]Top Energy绿色建筑论坛.绿色建筑评估[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007:182.


