潘琴 陈多长
(浙江工业大学, 浙江 杭州 310023)
[摘 要] 基于浙江1991-2011年商品房价格与城镇居民收入数据,运用VAR模型、脉冲响应函数以及方差分解方法,研究居民可支配收入、收入差距与商品房价格之间的关系。结果表明,商品房价格上涨是收入差距扩大的格兰杰原因,而收入差距并不是房价上涨的格兰杰原因。房价上涨对低、中、高收入群体可支配收入有着不同影响,而中、高收入群体则是房价上涨的支撑力量。
[关键词] 房价;收入差距;可支配收入;VAR
Abstract: Illustrates the relationship between the disposable income, the income gap and the housing price by the VAR model, the impulse response function and variance decomposition method, which is based on the data of housing price and peoples' income in Zhejiang from 1991 to 2011. The result shows that housing price is Granger cause of the income gap, but the income gap isn't Granger cause of housing prices. Housing price has different effects on the disposable incomes of low-income, medium-income and high-income groups. However, the medium-income and the high-income are the forces that support the rise of housing price.
Key words: housing price; income gap; disposable income; VAR
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