任莹 龙奋杰
(清华大学基建规划处, 北京 100084)
[摘 要] 高校建设项目立项管理环节尚存在诸如管理程序不规范、决策缺乏科学性、组织机构不健全等一系列问题,且缺乏相关的理论研究和技术成果。在总结归纳高校立项管理中存在的主要问题的基础上,深入研究问题产生的原因,并提出高校建设项目立项管理的改进措施及建议,促进高校建设项目立项管理水平的提高。
[关键词] 高校;建设项目;立项管理;改进措施
Abstract: In terms of the situation of construction project management in colleges and universities, project management process still exists a series of problems such as the organization of project management procedures are not standardized, project management is not perfect, the lack of effective project management mechanism and the lack of related theoretical research. This paper sums up the main problems existing in the project management in colleges and universities, explores the causes of problems and puts forward the improvement measures of construction project management, so as to improve project management level of construction in universities.
Key words: colleges and universities; construction project; project management; improvement measure
[1]朱璇.地方政府重大设施投资项目的立项管理研究[D]. 赣州:江西理工大学,2011.


