牛皓 周集体 Peter Adriaens
(1.大连理工大学环境学院工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室, 辽宁 大连 116024;2.密歇根大学土木与环境系, 美国 安娜堡)
[摘 要] 基于华盛顿一个2000m2绿色屋顶对于降水截留、节能、净化空气的环境效益进行分析,并与传统屋顶的投资花费现值(PV)进行对比分析,结果表明,在华盛顿政策条件下,40年后绿色屋顶的投资花费现值(PV)要比传统屋顶低25%~39%,同时绿色屋顶的投资回收期最短可以达到8年。
[关键词] 绿色屋顶;现值(PV);投资回收期
Abstract: The paper evaluates stormwater retention, energy savings, and air quality benefits for a 2000m2 green roof in Washington D.C., and incorporates all these benefits into present value (PV) analysis. The results demonstrates that PV of green roofs is 25%~39% less than that of conventional roofs. The return period of investment of green roof is expected to be 8 years under Washington D.C. policy scenarios.
Key words: green roof; present value(PV); return period of investment
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