(镇江市城市建设投资集团公司, 江苏 镇江 212003)
[摘 要] 在拆迁周期保持不变的情况下,腾仓费和财务费用的多少与安置房项目的建设周期成正比。房屋开发费用、管理费用和不可预见费用与压缩的施工工期成反比。施工工期取决于最后竣工的单体建筑或配套项目的进度。在同一小区中,安置房的建设成本和最快与最慢两幢单体建筑完工的时间差成正比,最快与最慢两幢单体建筑完工的时间差越大,安置房的建设成本就越高;反之则越低。
[关键词] 城市安置房;项目管理;成本控制;建设周期;水桶理论
Abstract: In the case that the cycle of house demolition and relocation are unchangeable, the transitional fees and financial expenses will have positive relationship with the construction duration of transitional shelter project on one hand, and the reduced construction duration will have negative relationship with housing development fees, management fees, and unforeseeable fees. The final construction duration depends on the time that the final single building being completed or the duration of projects for accessorial facilities. At the same community, the construction costs of transitional shelter will have positive relationship with duration between the fastest completed single building and the slowest completed single building. When this kind of duration becomes larger, costs of transitional shelter will be larger. Otherwise, the costs will be much lower.
Key words: transitional shelter building; project management; cost control; construction duration; barrel theory
[1]董晨鹏.旧城改造中的房源安置和货币补偿的平衡关系分析[J].城市建设与商业网点,2009(28).(编辑 张雅琳)


