杨骋 杜静
(东南大学建设与房地产系, 江苏 南京 210096)
[摘 要] 保障性住房建设是关乎百姓切身利益的民生问题,对解决中低收入群体住房问题、维护社会稳定和和谐发展具有积极作用。但长期以来,我国地区政府都未成立专门机构对其进行统一建设、管理,导致效率下降。本文对建立我国地区性住房保障机构的必要性进行探讨,并借鉴新加坡建屋发展局的模式,针对城市提出地区性住房保障机构搭建的构想。
[关键词] 住房保障;新加坡;建屋发展局;机构设立
Abstract: The construction of affordable housing is bread-and-butter issue to the public, which also has a positive influence on the resolution of housing problem for middle and low income population, as well as the development and stability of our society. But over the years, the regional governments have never established professional agencies to integrally control this aspect, which led to the low efficiency in these issues. Taking the experience of Singapore Housing Development Board, this paper makes a discussion on the necessity of the establishment of regional housing support agencies in our country, and puts forward the conceptualization of establishment of these agencies in our country.
Key words: housing security; Singapore; HDB; establishment of agencies
[1]Singapore government. Housing and Development Act[Z].2004.
[2]Singapore Housing & Development Board. HDB Annual Report 2008/2009[R].2009.
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