王勇 王兆阳
(1.苏州科技大学, 江苏 苏州 215011,2.香港城市大学, 香港)
[摘 要] 针对房地产项目市场开发中前期调研总结出的“点线面体”分析法,直观、形象地阐明以其市场特征为依据,对其特定市场进行具体调研分析的基本操作程序和主要的研究分析思路,为客观反映特定房地产项目市场的现状,找寻市场机会,提供一种可资借鉴的实用市场调研分析模式,对其他项目的市场开发研究也有一定的参考价值。
[关键词] 房地产项目;市场调研;点线面体;模式
Abstract: Focused on the “Point-Line-Area-Cube” analysis method summarized from the pre-phase and middle-phase survey and study of real estate development market, the paper presents a viewable analysis and study pathway based on its market features and presents the basic operation procedures based on the specific survey and search and analysis of this specific market. It provides a practical market survey and analysis model for those who are searching for the market opportunities, and those who try to understand the status of specific real estate project market, and it also has some reference value for other project market development.
Key words: real estate project; market survey; point-line-area-cube; model


