(徐州工程学院管理学院, 江苏 徐州 221008)
[摘 要] 在企业发展过程中,随着外部环境和内部条件的变化,企业组织结构也必须不断进行调整。新中国成立以后,建筑企业历经了计划经济、转轨经济及社会主义市场经济阶段,其组织结构在不同的阶段经历了分分合合的演变,纵观其演变过程,不难发现:每一次重大的组织结构调整,都与特定的经济政策相关联。系统地对不同阶段建筑企业组织间关系及内部组织结构进行分析,有益于为我国建筑企业的组织变革提供参考思路。
[关键词] 建筑企业;组织间关系;内部组织结构
Abstract: As the change of external environment and internal condition, enterprise organizational structure has to be adjusted continuously in the development process. Since the establishment of new China, construction enterprise has gone through planned economy, transition economy and socialist market economy, so its organizational structure has experienced on and off evolution during various stages. By reviewing its evolution process, we can discover that every great organization structure adjustment is relative to a particular economic policy. This paper analyses the relationship between the organizations and internal organizational structure in construction enterprise during different stages to provide a reference of organizational change for China's construction enterprise.
Key words: construction enterprise; relationship between the organization; internal organizational structure


