黄一格 丁新浩
(深圳市地铁集团有限公司, 广东 深圳 518026)
[摘 要] 在现行“重公益、轻商业”的规制模式下,国内城市轨道交通企业运作商业性原则不足,以致资源配置失衡,经营效率低下,缺乏自我发展能力。为促进城市轨道交通的良性运行,需科学界定政府与企业职责,赋予必要和适宜的政策支持,合理配置资源,建立激励和约束机制,并从内部强化自身经营能力,通过资源整合、资本运作的企业化运作方式,提高其经营效率,实现其可持续发展。
[关键词] 城市轨道交通;企业化;运作
Abstract: The domestic urban rail transit enterprise operation commercial principle is insufficient, so that the resources deployment is unbalanced, the business efficiency is low and the self-development power is weak. In order to promote the urban rail transit benign movement, we must define government and the enterprise responsibility, entrust with necessary and suitable policy support, dispose the resources allocation, establish incentive and restraint mechanisms, and strengthen business capacity from the interior. Through the resources reorganization and capital operation, its business efficiency will be raised and sustainable development will come true.
Key words: urban rail transit; demutualization; operation


