颜苏莉 王素花 刘吉成 李建宝 吴薇娜
(1.华北电力大学, 北京 102206;2.华泰汽车集团, 北京 100029)
[摘 要] 以解决电力施工企业目前面临的问题,组建具有综合承包能力的电力施工企业联盟,促进电力行业经济的快速发展为目的,提出电力施工企业的动态联盟模式,阐述该联盟模式的应用范围和具体内容,并对该动态联盟模式的构建流程进行论述。
[关键词] 电力施工企业;核心竞争力;动态联盟模式;构建流程
Abstract: With the purposes of solving the current problems that power construction enterprises are facing, forming power construction enterprises alliance which have the comprehensive contract ability and promoting the rapid development of power industry, the peper proposes dynamic alliance model of power construction enterprises, elaborates the application range and details of dynamic alliance model, and discusses the forming process of dynamic alliance model.
Key words: power construction enterprise; core competence; dynamic alliance model; construction process
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