李松 綦群高
(新疆农业大学人文社会科学学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052)
[摘 要] 房地产价格弹性机制与房地产梯度机制是房地产价格机制的主要组成部分。通过分析发现,我国住房市场数据所解释的特点与市场表象呈现矛盾,进而对5个住房价格弹性系数进行计算分析得出人均GDP价格弹性系数、人均可支配收入价格弹性系数、恩格尔系数价格弹性系数、供给价格弹性系数均处于0~1之间,属于缺乏弹性的范畴,而需求价格系数为4,属于富有弹性的范畴。人均GDP、人均可支配收入、恩格尔系数、房地产供给量、房地产需求量、房地产企业利润、房地产税收7个变量与房地产价格之间存在很强的相关性。通过构建房地产价格—顺位power模型和房地产价格分异公式得出,35个典型城市的住房价格处于次首位分布向首位分布过渡阶段,住房价格分异度正逐年增加,并由相对分异向绝对分异过渡,同时,两个指标反映了我国城市房地产价格分布处于由中低房价为主导向高房价为主宰型过渡阶段。
[关键词] 住房价格机制;弹性;梯度;价格—顺位power模型;分异度
Abstract: The real estate price elasticity and gradient mechanism are the major components of the real estate price mechanism. The analysis shows that China's housing market characteristics explained with market data is conflict with the present appearance of the housing market, thus, calculation and analysis of five housing price elasticity coefficient obtained that the price elasticity of per capita GDP coefficient, the per capita disposable income of the price elasticity coefficient, the Engel's coefficient price elasticity coefficient, the price elasticity of supply coefficient are at 0~1 scope  belonging to the lack of flexibility, while the elasticity of demand price coefficient is 4 belonging to the rich of flexibility. There is a strong correlation between seven variables of the per capita GDP, the per capita disposable income, the Engel coefficient, the housing supply, the housing demand, the real estate corporate profits, the real estate taxes and the house prices. By building real estate price - order power model and forming the housing prices differentiation formula, the housing price distribution of 35 typical mega-cities is at the transitional period of from the second distribution to the first distribution, moreover,the differentiation degree of the housing prices are increasing year by year, and it is at the transitional period from a relatively differentiation to absolutely differentiation, meanwhile two indicators confirm that the distribution of the urban housing prices is changing from the dominant of middle and low prices into the dominant of high prices.
Key words: housing price mechanism; elasticity; gradient; price-order power model; degree of differentiation


