徐勇民 曾炜
(1.上海南房<集团>有限公司, 上海 200011;2.同济大学经济与管理学院, 上海 200092)
[摘 要] 通过分析上海市中低收入家庭的经济收支状况以及经济适用房的成本构成,指出目前经济适用房市场存在价格偏高、区位配套等方面尚存缺陷等问题,提出政府加大补贴幅度、采用更为细化和灵活的补贴措施等政策建议。
[关键词] 经济适用房;购置群体;购买力
Abstract: By analyzing the situation about the income and expenditure of the people purchasing affordable apartments, the cost structure of the affordable apartments, and so on, points out the problems in the affordable apartments market, such as the price of the relevant apartments is higher than relevant people's affordable ability, and there are some defects about the location formacompletese, at the same time puts forward relevant suggestions that the government should pay more for these people and take more flexible steps.
Key words: affordable apartment; purchasing group; affordable ability


