陈圆 任宏
(1.重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045;2.佐治亚理工学院, 美国 佐治亚州 30318)
[摘 要] 针对从业人员流动大和高技能劳工供给不足等问题,美国建筑业在劳工培训中大力推进和不断完善注册学徒制培训方式,取得较为显著的成效。综合美国相关研究成果,结合在美期间实地考察情况,剖析美国建筑业劳工培训在教育理念、制度设计、培训路径、融资方式等方面的突出特点,旨在为探索中前行的中国建筑业劳工培训工作提供借鉴和参考。
[关键词] 建筑业; 劳工培训; 学徒制; 美国
Abstract: To solve the problems of fast turnover and insufficiency of qualified labors, the American construction industry has established and promoted apprenticeship programs as employment-based postsecondary training and has achieved remarkable effect. In this paper, according to review of recent related studies and on-site visit in USA, the operations and innovations of apprenticeship in USA, including educational concept, institutional arrangement, realization path, financing and etc. are examined, in order to offer reference and consult to our country to set up and pursue the system of labor training in construction industry.
Key words: construction industry; labor training; apprenticeship; United States of America
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