宋金波 富怡雯
(大连理工大学管理学院, 大连 116024)
[摘 要] 通过对国内试点地区政府投资项目代建制实施情况的分析,归纳总结出政府集中代建、市场化代建和中间模式三种不同的代建制模式,对比分析各模式的流程、特点并详细阐释各利益相关方的关系,为充分发挥代建制模式在政府投资项目建设中的作用提供决策指导。
[关键词] 代建制;政府集中代建;市场化代建;中间模式
Abstract: With an analysis on the implementation situation of agent construction system of government-funded projects in pilot areas in China, three different agent construction system modes are summarized, which are the government centralized agent construction, the market-oriented agent construction and the intermediate mode. This paper also comparatively analyzes the process and characteristics of each mode, and the relationship of all the stakeholders, which provides decision-making guide for helping agent construction system modes fully display the role in government-funded projects construction.
Key words: agent construction system; government centralized agent construction; market-oriented agent construction; intermediate mode
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