(甘肃工业职业技术学院, 甘肃 天水 741025)
[摘 要] 房地产企业价值很大程度上决定于其在生态环境中的角色。根据项目的开发过程,确立房地产企业与金融机构、代理商、施工方、消费者、竞争者、政府、社会、自然环境等之间的角色定位,提出利用AHP-模糊评价模型进行房地产企业的生态价值评价,并建立长期的动态数据库进行比较分析,保证房地产企业的可持续发展。最后通过实例验证评价模型的科学性和实用性。
[关键词] 房地产企业;生态角色定位;生态价值评价;模糊评价法
Abstract: To a large extent, the value of real estate enterprises is determined by their role in the ecological environment. According to the project development process, the ecological role position of real estate enterprises is established between the real estate enterprises and financial institutions, agents, contractors, consumers, competitors, government, society and natural environment. In order to ensure the sustainable development of real estate enterprises,the AHP-fuzzy evaluation model is taken to evaluate the ecological value of real estate enterprises, and the dynamic database is presented for long-term comparative analysis. Finally, an empirical analysis demonstrates that the method is a scientific and practical tool.
Key words: real estate enterprise; ecological role position; ecological value evaluation; fuzzy evaluation
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