周滔 谷艳萍
(重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045)
[摘 要] 目前房地产市场的调控活动主要由政府单方面进行运作,而市场参与主体则被动地应对调控政策。作为市场重要参与主体,国有企业应当而且能够在房地产市场调控中发挥自身应有的作用。基于对房地产市场调控的内在机理分析,结合国有企业内部优势与外部资源环境,以最大限度发挥国有企业的优势为前提,研究国有企业积极参与市场调控的模式、机制及具体措施。
[关键词] 国有企业;房地产市场调控;机理;模式
Abstract: Government is the only role in the regulation of the housing market at present, while the market participants respond to regulatory policy passively. As an important participant, State-owned enterprises can and should play a role in the regulation of the real estate market. According to the analysis on the mechanism involved in the regulation and the combination of the interior advantage and external resource environment of State-owned enterprises, this paper studies the model, mechanism and specific measures of State-owned enterprises' participation in regulation, to maximize the advantage of State-owned enterprises.
Key words: State-owned enterprises; regulations of housing market; mechanism; model]
[1]周军.论房地产业在中国城市化进程中的地位和作用[J]. 四川经济管理学院学报,2001(1).


