李海涛 侯纲
(安阳师范学院建筑工程学院, 河南 安阳 455000)
[摘 要] 在解读国家关于发展公共租赁住房的战略目标和指导意见基础上,提出要转变发展思维,探索实践由地方基层政府主导公共租赁住房的决策规划以济民所需,由政府和社会个人混合供应公共租赁住房以拓宽房源,合理利用住房公积金结余资金以解决融资困难等发展思路。
[关键词] 公租房;社会存量房;住房公积金结余;公平配租
Abstract: On the basis of reinterpreting the strategy and directive opinions which were formulated to develop the public rental housing to protect people's livelihood, proposes that change the development concept and grope for some reform measures to improve and perfect the housing security system, such as making public rental housing planning by the leader of the local governments to meet people's actual needs, recruiting social housing stock into public rental housing management to expand house sources, making full use of the balances of housing provident funds to solve the financing difficulties and so on.
Key words: public rental housing; social housing stock; balances of housing provident funds; fairly allocation
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[5]刘华宾.专家:全国公积金结余9000亿元 进入保障房建设是大势所趋[EB/OL].http://sh.eastday.com/m/20120328/u1a6454081.html,2012-03-28.


