汪辉 邓晓梅 杨伟华 冯珂
(1.清华大学建设管理系工程担保与建筑市场治理研究中心, 北京 100084; 2.军事经济学院军队财务系, 湖北 武汉 430035)

[摘 要] 国内有专家提出了“中国工程担保同盟”的宗旨和功能设想,但“中国工程担保同盟”应该如何建设、如何运作来实现其宗旨和功能,当前还处于理论探讨阶段。在现有理论探索的基础上,分析国际货币基金组织与中国工程担保同盟的相似之处,并借鉴国际货币基金组织的运行机制特点,提出对“中国工程担保同盟”建设的建议。
[关键词] 国际货币基金组织;运行机制;中国工程担保同盟;建设;启示
Abstract: Although the basic purpose and function of China's Alliance of Engineering Guarantee(CAEG) have received a common consensus, there are still some doubts about the design of its operational system. Based on the current theories and analysis of the similarities between IMF and CAEG, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the operation of CAEG in accordance with the characteristics of IMF.
Key words: International Monetary Fund(IMF); operating mechanism; China's Alliance of Engineering Guarantee(CAEG); development; enlightenment
[4]IMF.Annual report[R].Washington D.C. 1995:51-107.
[6]IMF.Articles of agreement of the international monetary fund[EB/OL].[2012-07-02].Washington D.C.2011:59-60.http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/aa/index.htm.



