裘柳青 刘洪玉
(清华大学房地产研究所, 北京 100084)
[摘 要] 公租房是我国保障性住房的主体,设计激励政策方案,吸引社会资金投资公租房建设与运营是值得探讨的问题。首先总结公租房政策激励措施,建立公租房建设运营财务分析模型,并进行公租房激励政策方案的设计,然后以模拟案例为例,分析单项政策及政策组合对项目财务评价效果的影响,设计可能的政策组合方案并进行不确定性因素的敏感性分析,最后提出相应的应用建议。
[关键词] 公租房;财务评价;激励政策
Abstract: Public rental housing is an important component of affordable housing in urban China. How to attract social capital to invest in public rental housing through proper designed incentive policies is an important issue worthy of discussion. Based on the review of the existed incentive policies, this paper firstly establishes the financial analysis model on public rental housing projects by considering all the possible incentive policy as factors affecting the financial performance of the project. Then it outlines the principles and steps in working out an incentive policy scheme in mirror with the financial evaluation model. Finally, the paper provides a simulation case for indicating the application process in finalizing an incentive policy scheme for the specific project and the important issues in the process. 
Key words: public rental housing; financial evaluation; incentive policy
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