涂征宇 王孟钧 蒋武军 陆洋
(1.湖南省高速公路管理局, 湖南 长沙 410016; 2.中南大学土木工程学院, 湖南 长沙 410004)
[摘 要] 从业主单位角度分析大型基础设施项目规范化管理制度体系运行的核心机制:协同、合作、激励、约束机制及其运行模式和机制耦合,以期改变现有的规范化管理制度体系机制运行不畅、管理效率低下的软肋,有助于提升项目的规范化管理水平,实现基础设施建设项目的预期目标。
[关键词] 大型基础设施;规范化管理制度;运行机制;机制耦合
Abstract: From the perspective of owner, this paper analyzes the core operation mechanism of normalized management system in large infrastructure construction projects: coordination, cooperation, stimulation and constraint mechanism, which also contained the operation mode and mechanism coupling. The research objective is changing the obvious flaws of poor operation and low management efficiency in existing normalized management system. It also helps to promoting the normalized management level and realizing the construction goals of infrastructure projects.
Key words: large infrastructure; normalized management system; operating mechanism; mechanism coupling
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