张友志 顾红春
(江苏科技大学土木工程与建筑学院, 江苏 镇江 212003)
[摘 要] 提高能源利用效率,对于建筑业的可持续发展具有重要意义。根据全要素能源效率框架,建立DEA模型,对2005-2010年中国省际建筑业能源效率进行研究,研究表明:这一时期,建筑业能源综合利用效率总体上有所提高,但是技术创新对于能源效率提高的作用还比较有限;能源效率存在显著的地区差异,东部沿海地区建筑业能源效率较高,中西部地区建筑业存在较为明显的能源低效利用。分析产业结构、能源消费结构、企业实力和技术水平对建筑业能源效率的影响。
[关键词] DEA模型;能源效率;技术创新;节约能源
Abstract: The improvement of construction energy efficiency has an important significance for the sustainable development of construction industry. According to the framework of total factor energy efficiency, a DEA model is built to study China's inter-provincial energy efficiency of construction industry during 2005-2010. The results have shown that, during this period, the average energy utilization efficiency of China's construction industry has increased to a certain extent, but technological progress innovation only has limited impact of on the improvement of energy efficiency; there are significant differences in regional energy efficiency, obviously inefficient utilization of energy in construction industry has been observed among central and western regions. Finally, the impacts of industrial structure, energy structure, competiveness of enterprises and technical level on the inter-provincial differences of construction energy efficiency have been studied, and some energy-saving recommendations for construction industry are put forward.
Key words: DEA model; energy efficiency; technological innovation; energy-saving




