刘桦 王镇中
(西安建筑科技大学管理学院,陕西 西安 710055)
Abstract: According to the characteristics of the Existing Buildings Reconstruction and Reusing Projects (EBRRP) in cities, the evaluation index system is established from two respects of the economic and social environment in the paper. By using the extension evaluation method, the impacts on the circumjacent region economy and social environment exerted by the EBRRP are evaluated based on a real example. The results show that the outcome of the post evaluation of the social benefits of the EBRRP is objective and accurate by using the evaluation index system and the extension evaluation method. The findings would contribute to the development of construction theory and practice of the EBRRP in cities.
Key words:  existing building reconstruction and reusing project; evaluation index system; extension evaluation method; social benefit
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