严玲 贺星红 黄昕
(天津理工大学管理学院,天津 300387)
[摘 要] 以标准施工招标文件规定的人工单价调整方法为依据,梳理出人工单价调整的原因、条件和依据。在此基础上结合算例分析,给出实际施工过程中判定人工单价调整依据;结合实际案例,给出人工单价调整的具体操作过程,从而减少实际施工过程中的人工单价调整纠纷事件。
[关键词] 人工单价;调整依据;调整方法
Abstract:  Based on the rules of the adjustment methods of unit price of labor under Standard Construction Tender Document, this paper elaborates the causes, conditions and references about it, then explains the adjustment basis for unit price of labor and proposes the concrete operational processes for it to reduce the disputes on the unit price of labor adjustment in actual construction process.
Key words:  unit price of labor; adjustment basis; adjustment method


