(中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司, 四川 成都 610042)
[摘  要]  目前国内还没有实施冷热电三联供和江水源热泵复合系统项目,其技术的先进性及经济的合理性备受投资者关注。以重庆市某中央商务区建设复合系统项目为例,对商务区采用以天然气为一次能源进行发电,利用发电余热制冷制热的三联供和江水源热泵复合系统方案的技术先进性、经济可行性进行研究,为该项目的最终兴建提供了决策依据,并可供类似建设项目借鉴。
[关键词]  中央商务区; 冷热电三联供; 江水源热泵; 经济性分析
Abstract: At present, China hasnt carried out the composite system project of coolingheatingpower supply and river water source heat pump, and investors pay much attention to its advancement of technology and rationality of economy. This paper takes a composite system project in a central business district of Chongqing as an example, by using natural gas as primary energy for power generation and power generation waste heat for coolingheatingpower supply, studies the advancement of technology and rationality of economy of coolingheatingpower supply and river water source heat pump composite system. It provides the decisionmaking basis for final construction of this project, and makes available references for similar construction projects.
Key words: Central Business District (CBD); coolingheatingpower supply; river water source heat pump; economic analysis
[1]CJJ 145-2010燃气冷热电三联供工程技术规程[S].
[2]国家发展改革委,建设部.建设项目经济评价方法与参数[M].第3版.北京:中国计划出版社,2006.2012年第11期(总第361期)CONSTRUCTION ECONOMY法 律 合 约〖2〗CONSTRUCTION ECONOMY法 律 合 约  2012年第11期(总第361期)


