尹贻林 唐海荣 翟露
(天津理工大学, 天津 300384)
[摘 要] 《标准施工招标文件》等规范及文本都对工程变更估价作了原则规定,但具体内容不明确、不完备,导致实际运用困难。针对变更估价工作中成本加利润原则内容和计算方法规定的不明确,界定工程变更子目综合单价的组成,给出成本、利润和下浮率的计算方法,并结合案例详细介绍成本加利润原则在无适用或类似子目变更综合单价确定中的应用。
[关键词] 无适用或类似子目, 工程变更, 估价原则, 成本加利润, 综合单价
Abstract: Standard Construction Tender Documents gives general provisions for the principles of valuation of variations as other laws and regulations, but these lead to difficulties in practice for lack of exact and complete specifications. In response to implicitness of principles specifications and calculation method of costprofit in practice of valuation of variations, defines the composition of comprehensive unit price of variation, provides the calculation methods of costs, profits and down floating rates. Furthermore, introduces in details the application of principles of costsprofits and comprehensive unit price of variation in no specified or similar work.
Key words: no specified or similar work, variation of project, costprofit principle, comprehensive unit price


