(上海建科工程项目管理有限公司, 上海 200032)
[摘 要] 以上海新一轮对口支援新疆喀什四县“交钥匙”项目为实例,从利益相关者、组织架构、信息平台技术、立功竞赛、激励机制等方面探讨分析援疆工程建设项目的代建制管理模式,力图建立一套较为完善的既适合于喀什地区又能体现上海理念、上海水平的建设项目管理模式,为进一步指导援疆工程建设提供参考,示范引领南疆地区实现跨越式发展。
[关键词] 援疆工程,代建制, 管理模式
Abstract: Starting with the new round assistance construction project for Kashgar in XinJiang from Shanghai, discusses management mode of construction agent from the aspects of stakeholders, organizational structure, information platform, construction competition for honor and incentive systems, hopes to build a perfect mode which not only fits current situation of Kashgar but also embodies construction standard of Shanghai. At the same time, the management mode also guides assistance construction project and leads greatleapforward development for southern regions of Xinjiang.
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