庞玉成 林宁
(1.滨州医学院烟台附属医院, 山东 烟台 264100;2.华中科技大学管理学院, 湖北 武汉 430074;
[摘 要] 以项目集成管理的理论为基础,研究大型综合医院建设项目的业主方如何整合资源和要素,对医院建设项目实施全过程集成化的管理。建立了医院建设项目业主方集成管理四维模型,并从全生命周期、管理要素、组织、信息、风险等方面论述医院建设项目集成管理的内涵,从理论上为实施业主方集成管理提供了操作依据。
[关键词] 医院建设项目,业主,集成管理
Abstract: Based on the integrated management theory, this paper researches how the owner of large complex hospital to integrate resources and management elements, and studies the integrated management through the whole process,and then builds up conceptual model of four dimensions,analyzes the meanings of integrated management of hospital construction projects on the aspects of lifecycle, management elements, organization, information and risk, which can provide operational basis for the implement of integrated management.
Key words: hospital construction project, owner, integrated management
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