(宁夏房安建设工程监理有限责任公司, 宁夏 石嘴山 753000)
[摘 要] 面对不同级别的工程质量奖项评选,应通过正确的引导及评价机制,使其真正达到促进施工企业加强管理,提高工程质量的目的。建议将申报奖项的施工单位所施工其他工程的质量状况及质量保证体系的均衡性、一致性作为评判的一个重要参考因素,结构工程质量的优劣在评选中应占主要分值,对工程建设中量大面广的住宅工程适当加大评选比例。应根据工程质量现状及社会发展水平,扩大延伸评选工作的意义,不断优化评选机制并使其更加规范化、科学化,做到客观、公正、准确评价。
[关键词] 工程质量,奖项,创优,评价
Abstract: There are many different levels of engineering quality awards, and the related organizations should make the awards become the method of improving management level and engineering quality. This paper suggests taking other projects quality, balance and consistency of QAS as an important reference factor. Quality of structure projects should become the major factor, and housing projects awards should account for a far greater percentage. Finally, on the basis of status quo of project quality and social development level, this paper suggests increasing the significance of project award, optimizing the selection mechanism, in order to realize standardization, normalization and be objective, fair and accurate.
Key words: engineering quality, award, excellencecreating, evaluation


