(贵阳金阳建设投资<集团>有限公司, 贵州 贵阳 550018)

[摘 要] 市场开发和项目管理是建筑企业非常关键的两个环节,鉴于工程项目的特殊性以及建筑企业组织机构的特点,大多数建筑企业的市场开发与项目管理由两个相对独立的部门承担,因此存在工作衔接不充分、技术组织措施设计或实施不一致等弊端,使项目管理难度和风险加大,从而影响项目经济效益。为此就如何做好建筑企业市场开发与项目管理的沟通衔接表述看法,提出建议,供同业参考。
[关键词] 建筑企业,市场开发,项目管理,沟通衔接
Abstract: Market development and project management are two crucial links for construction enterprises. In view of distinctiveness of projects and organizational structural characteristics of construction enterprises, two separate departments undertaken the businesses on market development and project management in most construction enterprise. During working, therefore, it is insufficient for working connection, it is inconformity for technical organization measures or performance, it increases the difficulty and risk of project management, and then affects the economic benefits. In this paper, addresses views on how to link the relationships between market development and project management for construction enterprise, and provides some suggestions for reference.
Key words: construction enterprise; market development; project management; link relationship



