(1.北京化工大学经济管理学院, 北京 100029;2.铁道部境外铁路项目合作综合专家组, 北京 100844)
[摘 要] 在分析PPP投融资模式的特点、优势、合同类型和运作流程的基础上,结合南非豪登快铁PPP项目的实际案例,以及中国铁路企业的市场战略和铁路项目的特点,探索中国铁路企业参与境外铁路PPP模式项目的理想策略,表述PPP投融资项目的识别、项目研究内容、项目财务评价、风险识别和评估、核准及备案的决策流程,为国内企业参与境外铁路项目投标决策提供借鉴。
[关键词] 境外铁路项目,PPP模式,决策,投融资
Abstract: On the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the PPP investment and financing mode, advantage, contract type and operation of the process, combined with the actual case of PPP projects in Gauteng, South Africa, fast iron, as well as marketing strategies and the characteristics of the railway project in China's railway enterprises, to explore the ideal strategy of China Railway enterprises to participate in overseas railway PPP model projects, proposes the recognition of the PPP investment and financing projects, project research, project financial evaluation of the decision-making, risk identification and assessment, approval and filing, to provide a reference for domestic enterprises to participate in the decision-making of overseas railway project tender.
Key words: outside railway project; PPP mode; decision; financing


