徐奇升 苏振民 金少军
(1.南京工业大学土木工程学院, 江苏 南京 211816;2.江苏省住建厅, 江苏 南京 210005)
[摘 要] 传统的交付方式制约着建筑业生产率的提高,影响了可持续发展。在阐述IPD模式的内涵与特征的基础上,从并行工程、持续改进、价值管理等与BIM的集成几方面分析IPD模式下精益建造关键技术与BIM的集成应用,为IPD交付模式在国内的应用打下理论基础。
[关键词] IPD,BIM,精益建造,集成
Abstract: The traditional way of delivery methods restricts the productivity of the construction industry, influences the sustainable development. This paper briefly states the connotation of IPD, and analysis the integrated application of BIM and the key technologies of the lean construction under the IPD from some aspect, such as the integrated of concurrent engineering, continuous improvement , cost management, etc and BIM.
Key words: IPD; BIM; lean construction; integration
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