谭建辉 李明飞
(广州大学商学院, 广东 广州 510006)

[摘 要] 以广州为例,采取实证研究和网络调查等方式,广泛收集“夹心层”群体住房现状与需求的量化信息,并采用SPSS软件对数据进行深度挖掘;同时,通过实地调查、深度访谈等定性研究方式,分析“夹心层”群体对保障性住房的深层次需求特征及其原因。据此提出解决“夹心层”住房困难的相关政策建议,以及保障性产品建设与运营管理中应注意的若干问题。
[关键词] “夹心层”,需求特征,住房保障,住房政策
Abstract: With a case study in Guangzhou, takes empirical analysis and internet investigation to collect the quantitative information of housing status and demand for the sandwich class, and deeply explores these dates using SPASS. Meanwhile, through the study approach of field investigation and deep interview, analyzes the demand character of ensuring housing for the sandwich class and the reason. Based on these, forwards some related suggestions, points out some problems in construction and management of ensuring housing which should be attention to.
Key words: the sandwich class; demand character; housing security; housing policy
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