(重庆旅游投资集团有限公司, 重庆 400021)
[摘 要] 民间资本不愿意投资公租房项目的主要原因是项目投资回报率低。为了以BOT模式成功引入民间资本参与公租房投资建设,有必要建立相应的投资激励机制。产权激励是最主要的投资激励手段之一,因此本文在建立公租房项目收益函数的基础上,定量分析产权激励政策的激励效果,为促进我国公租房建设提供政策参考。
[关键词] 公租房,BOT,产权激励,收益函数
Abstract: The reason why private capitals are unwilling to invest public rental housing project is low return on investment. In order to attract private capital into this project through BOT mode, investment incentives mechanism should be established. Because property incentive is one of the main investment incentive methods, this paper makes quantitative analysis on property incentive policy effects based on public rental housing profit function, so as to propose corresponding policy recommendations for public rental housing construction.
Key words: public rental housing; BOT; property incentive; profit function
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