(江西省水利规划设计院, 江西 南昌 330029)

[摘 要] 在混凝土涵洞造价中,模板制作安装费用所占的比例较大。其工程量计算只有原则规定,没有量化说明,根据设计断面计算,不仅容易出错,而且是重复劳动。本文研究认为,在某一区间内,涵洞立模系数与高宽比近似线性相关。根据这种关系,将复杂的理论公式近似转化为线性方程。经实证运用,可提高计算效率,减少重复劳动,并保证计算的准确性。
[关键词] 混凝土涵洞,立模系数,造价,实证运用
Abstract: The fabrication and installation costs for formworks of concrete culverts occupy a larger proportion in the whole cost. But there is no price foundation to explain the quantification of the calculation about the formworks' quantity. The quantity has to be calculated according to the designed cross-sections, which makes mistakes usually, and the work is repeated. This paper studies that the formworks coefficient of concrete culverts is related to height-width ratio in some area. According to the connection, the complicated theoretical formulas can be changed to linear equations approximately. Through the empirical using, it can improve the calculation efficiency, reduce duplication of work, and ensure the accuracy of the calculation.
Key words: concrete culvert; formwork coefficient; cost; empirical using



