李留辉 司增绰
(1.徐州金鹰国际置业有限公司, 江苏 徐州 221000; 2.徐州师范大学经济学院, 江苏 徐州 221116)
[摘 要] 使用投入产出方法,从初始投入结构系数、中间需求率和中间投入率、后向联系系数和前向联系系数三个方面就建筑业的产业关联效应进行实证研究,得出结论:建筑业具有明显的劳动密集型特征;建筑业作为最终产品的特点很突出,具有“低附加值、高带动能力”的产业特性;建筑业后向联系系数较大,前向联系系数较小,是最终需求型产业。
[关键词] 建筑业,产业关联效应,投入产出分析
Abstract: In this paper, through input-output analysis model, the industry relevancy status of construction are studied from three aspects of elementary input structure coefficient, intermediate demand ratio and intermediate input ratio, backward diffusion effect coefficient and forward induction effect coefficient by empirical study. The result shows that construction is labor-intensive industry; construction owns characteristic of ultimate product, construction is the industry of “additional value low, driving capacity high”; backward diffusion effect coefficient of construction is bigger, forward induction effect coefficient of construction is smaller, construction is industry of ultimate demand.
Key words: construction industry; industry relevancy effect; input-output analysis


