代春泉 张明莉
(1.山东科技大学土木建筑学院, 山东 青岛 266510;2.河南省南阳市建筑设计研究院, 河南 南阳 473000)
[摘 要] 保障住房推行过程中存在资金难落实、监管不到位、隐患易聚集等问题。为完善保障住房制度的建设,在分析过滤模型的基础上,建议加大二手房市场扶持力度,规范住房租赁市场,严格执行退出机制,开征相关税费等,构建完备的保障住房运行机制,实现居者有其屋的目标。
[关键词] 住房层次性,保障住房,过滤模型
Abstract: During the implementation of security housing, there exist many problems, such as the implementation of funds, the out place supervision, and the accumulation of hidden problems. In order to perfect the security housing construction, based on analyzing the filtering model, the paper recommends intensifying the supports of the second-hand-house market, making standards for the rental housing market, carrying out the exit mechanism, starting levying related taxes, to construct complete security housing implemental mechanism, finally achieve the goal that each home ownership can be guaranteed.
Key words: housing hierarchy; security housing; filtering model
[7]Procurement of construction projects in local government[G].


