赵彬 王友群 牛博生
(重庆大学建设管理与房地产学院, 重庆 400045)
[摘 要] 进度目标是工程项目建设的三大目标之一。从工程项目进度管理常见问题出发,对传统的进度管理方法和采用基于BIM的4D虚拟建造技术的进度管理方法进行比较,在此基础上,论证了采取基于BIM的4D虚拟建造技术进行进度管理的优越性及可行性。
[关键词] BIM,4D虚拟建造,工程项目,进度管理
Abstract: Schedule is one of the three most important goals of construction project. The paper starts from the frequently problems in project schedule management, compares the traditional schedule management approach with the schedule management approach using 4D-virtual construction technology based on BIM. The paper proves the superiority and feasibility of the schedule management using 4D-virtual construction technology based on BIM.
Key words: BIM, 4D-virtual construction, construction project, schedule management
[3]Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks(Eds.).BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors[M], NewYork:John Wiley and Sons,2008:233-244.


