杨无疆 林玲
(1.莱茵达置业股份有限公司, 浙江 杭州 310012,2.杭州建业造价工程师事务所有限公司, 浙江 杭州 310012)
[摘 要] 快速、准确地进行工程造价估算对控制工程成本具有重要的现实意义。根据神经网络原理和对工程特征的分析,确定了6个工程特征类目作为神经网络的输入向量,提出了基于BP神经网络的工程造价快速估算模型,并选取已建住宅工程为估价实例。经验算,其精度可以满足实际工程投资估算和设计概算的需要。因此,用BP神经网络快速估算工程造价是行之有效的。
[关键词] 工程造价,BP神经网络,估价模型,快速估算
Abstract: Estimating project cost rapidly and accurately has important practical significance for cost control. According to the basic principles of the neural network and the analysis on the characteristics of the project, six project characteristic categories are identified as neural network input variables. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, the paper brings up the model of rapid estimation of project cost based on the BP Neural Network, and several finished residence projects are selected as actual samples. Test results show that the precision meets the estimation requirements well. Therefore, the application of BP Neural Network is effective in rapid estimation of project cost.
Key words: project cost, BP Neural Network, estimation model, rapid estimation


