孙晓军 林军
(1.浙江交科工程检测有限公司, 浙江 杭州 311215;2.浙江省交通厅工程质量监督局, 浙江 杭州 311215)
[摘 要] 综述当前安全生产费用投入使用的总体情况及现状,分析公路水运建设工程安全生产费用使用管理所存在的问题,结合浙江省出台的《浙江省公路水运建设工程安全生产费用管理暂行规定》,提出公路水运建设工程安全生产费用使用管理的具体程序和方法,为国内其他省份公路水运建设行业安全生产费用使用管理提供借鉴。
[关键词] 公路水运建设工程;安全生产;费用;管理
Abstract: This paper summarizes the total situation and status about the cost use of safety production, analyzes the existing problems about the use and management of the traffic construction engineering in the cost of safety production. In combination with Provisional Regulation on the Use and Management of the Traffic Construction Engineering in the Cost of Safety Production in Zhejiang Province, this paper puts forward concrete program and method of the use and management of the traffic construction engineering in the cost of safety production, which has a practical reference value for other domestic provinces with the use and management of the traffic construction engineering in the cost of safety production.
Key words: the traffic construction engineering; safety production; cost; management


