柯洪 李英一
(天津理工大学管理学院, 天津 300384)
[摘 要] 当前评标制度中出现的问题,集中体现为评标专家权力过大、对其激励不足、评标程序缺陷和评标管理水平不高,并以评标专家运用评标权寻租的形式表现出来。解决评标制度中出现的寻租问题应从将控制权和收益权分离的制度安排和权责利的统一入手,建立产权清晰的制度并完善权责利统一的激励机制、报酬机制和监督机制,治理评标制度中的寻租问题。
[关键词] 寻租;评标制度;治理
Abstract: The problems in the current bidding evaluation institution are epitomized by the excessive power for the evaluation experts, insufficient incentive for experts, evaluation bugs and poor management, and all those problems are embodied by the fact that the experts make use of their evaluation right to pursue rent-seeking. For solving the problems appeared in the rent-seeking, we should start from the institutional arrangements of separating the control and profit-earning right and the combination of responsibility, power and interest. Establishing clear property rights system and improving the incentive mechanism, the compensation mechanism and the supervision mechanism for the combination of the responsibility, power and interest can help dealing with the rent-seeking issues in the bidding evaluation institution.
Key words: rent-seeking; bidding evaluation institution; governance
[2]李政军.寻租与DUP活动:一个比较分析[J].汉江论坛, 2000(9):14-19.


